OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

AlloAid Amniotic Tissue is the placental tissue that surrounds and protects the fetus during development in utero. The properties of amnion that benefit the fetus also make it an effective material for protecting a wide variety of wounds, while at the same time creating an environment conducive to the regeneration of healthy tissue. Repurposing this versatile tissue to improve outcomes in wound management is supported by studies in published literature which describes its successful and safe clinical use.

Amniotic Tissue consists primarily of fibrillar and membranous collagens, elastin, and a mix of growth factors and cytokines that provide the properties unique to placental tissues.

• Stores dry at room temperature
• Suitable for immediate use off the shelf
• Hydrates rapidly in wound environment
• Readily adheres to the wound surface
• Terminally sterilized with gamma radiation to SAL 10-6 in accordance with ISO 11137
• Not chemically cross-linked
• Three year shelf life
• AlloAid Amniotic Tissue (Dual Layer) version processed with surface layer dimpling for ease of graft placement / handling
• AlloAid Amniotic Tissue (Dual Layer) version can be placed with either side in contact with wound surface

The Benefits of AlloAid Amniotic Tissue
The scientific and peer reviewed literature describe a number of benefits from the clinical use of amnion tissues, including:
• Safe, natural covering that improves normal wound healing outcomes
• Reduced inflammation
• Reduced fibrosis and scarring at the surgical site
• Decreases pain
• Provides a substrate for stem cells

Uses of AlloAid Amniotic Tissue Specifically, amnion has been used to achieve the following outcomes:
• Inhibit fibrogenesis (scarring) when applied topically to dermal and subcutaneous wounds
• Prevent adhesions tethered to implanted hardware
• Reduce the occurrence of dural & nerve root adhesions
• Prevent adhesions in tendon grafts and repair

Tissue Safety
• Collection of the donor tissue is performed in an aseptic manner by appropriately licensed tissue establishments
• Placentas are all from planned C-sections which helps to minimize the potential for contamination during recovery
• Placental donors go through a rigorous pre-screening qualification
• Placental donors are tested to confirm they are free from disease
• Processed in accordance with the safety guidelines provided by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – Human Cellular and Tissue-based Products (HCT/P) (21 CFR Part 1271) from the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) (https://i2b-usa.com/in2bones-home-page/home-2/)

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