OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

The Hip HemiCAP® System restores the articular surface geometry of the femoral head and preserve functional structures using an innovative 3-dimensional mapping system and a contoured articular resurfacing implant. The head is resurfaced without using a stemmed implant which is designed to eliminate overstuffing and preserve bone stock for a future total hip replacement.

The primary indications for the Hip HemiCAP® Resurfacing system are traumatic lesions such as a Pipkin Fracture and Osteonecrosis (AVN). Patients with AVN have a median age of 36 years old, making the HemiCAP® an ideal procedure, allowing them to postpone a total hip arthroplasty--important for maintaining long term mobility. The HemiCAP® provides a load sharing surface which avoids stress shielding, while the screw provides excellent fixation. The technique resembles a reverse core decompression as the step drill and surface reamers remove the necrotic bone and provide a bleeding bed to seat the inlay implant. Revision to a total hip is straightforward because the majority of bone stock in the femoral head and shaft is preserved. The use of the HemiCAP® for Pipkin fractures is the same as AVN. However, since the lesion is traumatic, the surrounding tissue should be healthy and intact. In this situation, placing a surface implant into the femoral head offers an excellent way to preserve the joint without compromising future options. Some Hip HemiCAP® patients will hit their 10 year milestones in 2013, thereby having delayed a total hip by an additional decade. Instead of a revision, they remain on track for a primary replacement.

Product Features
• Proven peer reviewed published data
• 6 anatomically matched femoral implant convexities
• Focal Femoral Head Resurfacing for Traumatic Lesions and Osteonecrosis
• Inlay placement and proven congruency of the femoral head may avoid premature wear of the acetabulum especially in younger patients
• Bone and tissue sparing preserves future primary arthroplasty – “No Bridges Burned”

Advantages for the Patient
• HemiCAP® technology was designed so patients can continue working and retain an active lifestyle without compromising future treatments.
• The anatomic femoral head curvatures are designed to eliminate overstuffing which can affect range of motion, acetabular overloading and cartilage wear on the opposing side
• Clinical studies demonstrate positive clinical outcomes
• Patients report pain relief, rapid recovery and a full range of motion
• HemiCAP® allows for preservation of bone and soft tissues
• Patients are experiencing a rapid return to activity for both work and exercise

Advantages for the Surgeon
• The anatomic femoral head curvatures are designed to eliminate overstuffing which can affect range of motion, acetabular overloading and cartilage wear on the opposing side
• Intuitive, universal, reproducible procedure across multiple joints
• Minimally invasive procedure can be performed through an anterior approach
• Maintains soft-tissue envelope and native joint mechanics
• Preserves skeletal anatomy thereby allowing a future total joint replacement

Surgical Technique
The HemiCAP® implants are comprised of two parts: an articular cap and a fixation component. The articular component is a rounded, cap-like implant made from a cobalt chrome (CoCr) alloy with a central post on its underside. This material has proven to provide a safe, effective and strong weight-bearing surface in joints. This metal alloy exhibits qualities very similar to articular cartilage when implanted in a joint. The two components are connected together via morse taper, a very secure method of fixation with zero reported loosening. The HemiCAP® surgical procedure begins when an articular defect is confirmed. The diameter of the defect is determined and a guide wire is introduced into the middle of the defect. The fixation component is implanted to establish the mechanism for anchoring the articular component. Using the fixation component as a central axis, specially designed instruments are used to map the contours of the patient's articular cartilage surrounding the defect and to prepare the tissue in and around the defect for the resurfacing implant. Once the site is prepared, the HemiCAP® resurfacing implant is brought into position and seated. (https://www.arthrosurface.com)

Arthrosurface, Inc. Website

Technique Tips



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