OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Instruments designed for Minimal Incision Total Hip Surgery using the standard posterior lateral approach

Product No's:

Bent Hohmann Retractor for Gluteus Medius
7110 [Standard]
Overall Length: 9.75"
Blade Width: 19mm
Depth from Bend: 4.25"

7110-01 [Extra Long Handle]
Overall Length: 11.5"
Blade Width: 19mm
Depth from Bend: 4.25"

Blunt Right Angle Posterior Capsular Retractor
Overall Length: 8"
Blade Width: 32mm
Blade Depth: 3.25"

Cobra Retractor with Hand Rest
Overall Length: 10.25"
Blade Width at Widest: 32mm

Superior Capsular Retractor
Overall Length: 9.375"
Blade Width at Widest: 19mm

90° Soft Tissue Retractor
Overall Length: 8"
Blade Width: 25mm
Blade Depth: 3.25"

Posterior-Inferior Retractors
7625-01 [Small Right]
7625-02 [Small Left]
Overall Length: 10.75"
Handle-to-Bend Length: 5.5"

Right Angle Posterior Capsular Retractors
7180 [With Teeth]
Overall Length: 8"
Blade Width: 32mm
Blade Depth: 3.25"

7180-01 [No Teeth]
Overall Length: 8"
Blade Width: 32mm
Blade Depth: 3.25" (http://innomed.net/index.htm)

Surgical Technique

Product Brochure

Innomed Website


Technique Tips



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